Wednesday, September 7, 2011


These pictures are actually pictures I took over the summer. I anticipated having to take textures for our levels sophomore year. For the rest of the set, as always, check out my flickr!

I took some time to focus solely on the software, Lightroom. The pictures were taken at in the afternoon past 6pm, so the light was less than optimal. I had to greatly increase the exposure in order to be able to see anything. In effect there was a lot of noise, so I also had to bump up the luminance under noise reduction. In effect, if bumped too high this caused to image to start looking a lot like plastic, so to balance this out I increased my sharpening and detail up to get back some of the detail. Also, I learned about lens correction, where there are pre-set settings in Lightroom that adjust your vignetting caused by your specific lens.

As I found out there is a lot of balancing to take care of when adjusting an image in Lightroom. If you adjust one slider, you will probably need to balance that with adjusting another and so forth until you get the effect you want.

On my to-do list is going out in the wild. Perhaps go to the beach or explore ringling for some more bright pictures. This time I am going to pay attention to my light and shoot around 12-4pm. For this, I've ordered a polarizer filter for my lens, in order to get richer colors under the sun and counter out reflections caused by the sun.

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